Event Spotlight: Dining in Eggcellence

Ferris Booth Commons hosted an egg cracking and omelet making competition with a surprise guest: Interim President Katrina Armstrong. 

September 19, 2024

The Columbia Dining at Ferris Booth Commons hosted a mid-day competition for staff and students to enjoy. Three short order cooks faced off against each other in an egg cracking and omelet cooking competition. The lineup included Yendy Acosta from John Jay, Charlie White from JJ's Place, and Dean Johnson from the home team at Ferris Booth Commons. Plus! A surprise guest - Interim President Katrina Armstrong.

President Armstrong with Acosta, White, and Johnson (left to right)

President Armstrong worked at the omelet bar in student dining while studying at Yale. She proved to be a fierce competitor, taking home the medal for most eggs cracked in one minute.

The team worked together behind the line, cooking and serving omelets to students who came in to Ferris for a meal. Chef Mike declared Charlie White of JJ's the winner for his omelet technique.

The Columbia Dining team looks forward to hosting President Armstrong in the dining halls again soon!

Photos by Eileen Barroso for Columbia University